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Prices and discounts synchronization errors


I'm using WP car rental system in my website and I'm very excited about this system.

I have some errors with the prices and discounts applied in the following situation:
- I have multiple intervals for discounts: 3-4 days, 5-10 days, 11-16 days, etc
- Price model is set to daily
 - When I select an interval to rent for example: 20/02/2021 12:00 to 25/02/2021 10:00 it show 5 days to user and apply discount from interval 3-4 days, which isn't correct
- When I select an interval to rent for example: 20/02/2021 12:00 to 25/02/2021 14:00 it show 6 days to user and apply discount from interval 5-10 days

How I can avoid this situation and place the selected date range for rent in de right interval? I mention that price model "combined - daily & hourly" couldn't be an option for my business model.

Thank you!

Hello Pavel,

I see, this problem relies on the plugin, not on the theme. For car rental system version 5.0, we added a patch to solve this issue, and thought it was solved on version 5.0.2. I will review it and if it can be solved again from the theme, Ill add the patch for it on next update which is planned for next week.



Hello Pavel,

I have good news for you! Plugin bug could be solved from theme, we will release an update that solves this issue probably today. You will need to update also CRS improvements plugin and re-apply its overrides.
