
WP Car Rental theme – Historial de cambios


Actualizado el 7 de noviembre de 2022

Mejoras generales

. Se cambió el enlace de WhatsApp al nuevo método, ya que el usado ha quedado obsoleto.

Mejoras para Car Rental System >= 5.0

. Impedir la traducción del navegador sobre el calendario
. Marcar coche elegido en edición
. Se hizo que la cuadrícula de autos tenga la misma altura si el modo masonry está deshabilitada
. El slider de los vehículos ahora tiene la misma altura cuando el nombre del modelo necesita más líneas


. WpBakery a la versión 6.10


Actualizado el 9 de mayo de 2022

Mejoras generales

. Cambió el inicio de sesión de la barra superior al modo modal
. Compatibilidad verificada con wordpress 5.9.x
. Añadido shortcode para mostrar la fecha actual. Útil en la información de copyright del pie de página; por ejemplo: 2025
. Shortocodes ahora están permitidos en la opción «otro contenido» de la barra superior
. Ajustes generales de visualización para idiomas rtl
. Se agregaron opciones para revertir el logotipo, el menú de encabezado y las posiciones del widget de contacto en idiomas rtl

Mejoras para Car rental system >= 5.0

. Opción agregada para seleccionar la clase del vehículo para el slider de alquiler de autos

Mejoras para Car rental system >= 5.0.2

. Pequeñas mejoras de visualización en la página de agradecimiento
. Centrarse en la entrada de selección predictiva cuando se abre
. Impedido cambiar manualmente la hora seleccionada usando timepicker
. Ajustes generales de visualización para idiomas rtl
. Se cambió el valor predeterminado del código de cupón a placeholder

Corrección de errores para Car rental system >= 5.0.2

. En la edición de la reserva, en algunos servidores no se podian eliminar todos los extras.
. Se corrigió un error en los sliders al usar el modo infinito.
. Se corrigieron problemas de visualización en sliders de los vehículos y ubicaciones e información de los mimos en idiomas rtl
. El paso 4 del proceso de reserva no se mostraba si la página de términos y condiciones no existía.

Mejoras en la vista del calendario de alquiler de coches

. Agregadas unidades en stock debajo de la imagen del automóvil

Corrección de errores en la vista Calendario de alquiler de coches

. Se corrigió un comportamiento extraño en el desplazamiento vertical.


. WpBakery to version 6.9
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons
. Wp Car Rental Calendar View


Actualizado el 22 de enero de 2022

Mejoras para el sistema de alquiler de coches 5.0.x

. Se resolvió la incompatibilidad con el complemento «All in one SEO» donde el formulario de búsqueda no se enviaba mientras se usaba el formulario normal o vertical.

Corrección de errores para el sistema de alquiler de coches 5.0.x

. En el paso 1 se enviaban las alertas dos veces usando el formulario regular y vertical.
. Los nombres de las ubicaciones de recogida y devolución no se mostraban correctamente en el formulario de reserva cuando solo había una ubicación en car rental system.


. WpBakery a la versión 6.8


Actualizado el 5 de octubre de 2021

Mejoras generales

. Se agregó el enlace de la barra superior en el menú móvil

Mejoras para car rental system 5.0.x

. Se agregó una animación de carga en los botones de envío del proceso de reserva.
. Modal agregado para confirmación de cancelación de reserva.
. Pequeños ajustes en todo el proceso de reserva.

Corrección de errores para car rental system 5.0 y 5.0.x

. A veces, los usuarios eran redirigidos al paso 1 tras confirmar de la reserva (desde 4.4.1)


Updated on August 23rd, 2021

Improvements for car rental system 5.0.x

. Verified CRS 5.0.3/5.0.4/5.0.5 compatibility
. Prevented double booking submitting

Improvements for Wp Car Rental Calendar View

. Optimized bookigns layout and others small adjustments.

Bug fixes for car rental system 5.0.x

. Fixed bug if more than one item per reservation is allwed on step 3.

Bug fixes

. Fixed error on recommended plugins bulk installation.


. Wp Car Rental Calendar View


. Removed CRS improvements, as since CRS version 5.0.4 is not necessary any more.


Updated on August 4rd, 2021

Core update

. Removed theme option: async_typography option. Google no longer supports it.
. Added theme option: font_display with one of the following auto|block|swap|fallback|optional. See:
. Added: WordPress 5.8 compatibility
. Fixed: additional PHP 8.0 compatibility.
. Fixed: options reverting or not saving.
. Other general improvements.

Improvements for car rental system 5.0.2 and 5.0.3

. Verified CRS 5.0.3 compatibility
. highlighted pickup date on return datepicker calendar, and other way arround.
. Now return location is auto selected if empty, upon pickup location selection.
. Added success animation on booking payment/creation/update from a new shortcode: wpcr-success.
. Other small improvements

Improvements for Wp Car Rental Calendar View

. Optimized bookigns layout, taking car of exact booking endtime and cleanning period.

Bug fixes for car rental system 5.0.3

. Error on Booking updates
. Error on booking creation when customer country is required
. Small PHP 8.0 compatibility issues.


. WpBakery to version 6.7
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons
. CRS improvements
. Wp Car Rental Calendar View


Updated on July 1st, 2021

General improvements

. Added missing wp_body_open action on body open tag.
. Small css adjustments.
. Improved Authors page layout.
. Added option to use Yoast SEO breadcrumbs instead of theme defaults.
. Improved floating contact widget behavior.
. Blog grid now forces same height per row.
. Added option to decide if display or not edit buttons on bottom of posts and pages.
. Added helper classes for easier customization as explined on the following link:
. Other general improvements.

Improvements for Car rental system 5.0 and 5.0.2

. Improved cars grid and masonry modes.
. Improved extras display at step 3 of booking process.
. Added car image on step 3.
. Improved step 4 layout
. Car rental counters where not being calculated properly while having CRS installed sitewide.

Improvements for Car rental system 5.0.2

. Form datepicker was not being translated.
. At single car slider left arrow navigation was wrong displayed on Safari.
. Customer date of birth was not properly populated on step 4 when fetching details if using predictive selectors.
. Improved step 4 login flow.

Improvements for Car rental system 5.0

. Added single car slider arrow navigation

bug fixes

. Top bar menu link was always displaying current page link if not using WPML.


. WpBakery to version 6.6 (added missing image only: close.png).
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons


Updated on March 9th, 2021

General improvements

. Contact widget: prevent to show location contact if referral is not a link.
. Header submenu display.
. Small theme options adjustments.

Improvements for Car rental system 5.0 and 5.0.2

. Improved terms and conditions popup on last step of booking process.
. Other small improvements

Improvements for Car rental system 5.0.2

. Bug fix: Discount percentage for last day was sometimes wrong calcualted.
. Bug fix: On booking edition, data was lost if users navigates to step 1.

bug fixes

. Top and Bottom bar links title where not being translated while using WPML.
. Header menu was not being highlighted using «one page site» mode.


. WpBakery to version 6.6
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons
. CRS improvements


Updated on Jan 10th, 2021

Core Update

. Google fonts
. Fix invalid CSS in Async Typography option
. Others improvements

General improvements

. Updated demo content (small adjustments)
. Contact form request, now will use 24hs. format if settled on wordpress settings.

Improvements for Car rental system 5.0

. Single location form was not showing time and filters options if native or predictive select mode was active.


. WpBakery to version 6.5
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons


Updated on Oct 28th, 2020

General improvements

. Style wizard: added function to decide if set white or black text depending on background color for top bar, footer, bottom bar and sidebar.

Improvements for Car rental system

. Added option to set lazy load on/off for sliders as items or manufacturers. By default is true.


. WpBakery to version 6.4.1
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons


Updated on Sep 13th, 2020

General improvements

. Removed deprecated option «Homepage form options» (home page content can me managed on page edition).
. General CSS/HTML improvements on theme and Wp Car Rental Calendar View plugin

Improvements for Car rental system

. Added top bar navigation for booking process for CRS 5.0, since many users still uses this version.
. Other small performance adjustments.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Car partner was wrong escaped.
. Error on booking creation when customer country is required while using CRS 5.0.2


. WpBakery to version 6.3
. Wp Car Rental – CRS Improvements
. Wp Car Rental Calendar View
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons


Updated on May 12th, 2020

General improvements

. New feature: options to add social information on mobile menu.
. New feature: option to add custom top bar link, Ex. My bookings.

Improvements for Car rental system

. Re-styled booking information at last step of booking process.
. Other small performance adjustments.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Pickup and return date where not pre-selected while navigating through booking process if native date picker was active.


. WpBakery to version 6.2
. Wp Car Rental Add-ons


Updated on March 14th, 2020

General improvements

. Removed option to select fontAwesome version since WPBakery already implemented version 5.
. Core general improvements
. Small adjustments on blog
. Small adjustments at theme options

Improvements for Car rental system

. Added top bar navigation for booking process. (Only for CRS v5.0.2 or future versions)
. Re-styled datepicker selector, for all CRS versions and contact form version.

General bug fixes

. Sub-menu indicators where not showing correctly on some devices using FontAwesome 5.
. Other small bug fixes.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Pickup time options where not showing on vertical and regular form while using native or predictive time selection.
. Item model name was not showing on booking process using CRS v5.0

Bug fixes for Wp Car Rental Calendar

. Link to booking details was not working using CRS 5.0.2


. WP car rental addons
. Wp car rental calendar


Updated on Dec 31th, 2019

General improvements

. Small CSS adjustments
. General performance improvements
. Moved generated CSS and JS to uploads folder

Improvements for Car rental system

. HTML/CSS adjustments for booking process on customer details and steps summary for CRS v5.0.2

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Compatibility bug on booking process with CRS v5.0.2.
. Compatibility bug for WP Car rental Calendar using CRS v5.0.2
. Compatibility bug with dashboard widget using CRS v5.0.2
. Bug on single items slider using CRS v5.0.2
. Bug on car slider widget, was throwing an error if there was another slider in same page.
. Bug on backend reservations list, “Refund” was not working. (Reported by David D.)


. WP car rental addons
. Wp car rental calendar


Updated on Dec 27th, 2019

General improvements

. Small Css adjustments
. General performance improvements

Improvements for Car rental system

. Compatibility with version 5.0.2, version 5.0 is still compatible.
. Small Css adjustments
. Improvements for new plugin version (booking updates)

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Calendar view button was not showing at dashboard widget


. WPBakery to version 6.1
. WP car rental addons
. Wp car rental calendar
. Wp car rental – CRS improvements (old CRS-5.0 improvements)


Updated on Nov 27th, 2019

General improvements

. Small frontend CSS changes
. Backend CSS adjustments for WordPress 5.3.x compatibility
. Added company address option for contact widget

Improvements for Car rental system

. Added cars slider widget, with the options autoplay and navigation
. Now all plugin slider shortcodes can be used without WP bakery builder
. Added lazy load to all images on plugin slider shortcodes

Bug fixes

. Fixed bug on fancy title color selection

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Items and extras options escaping since version 3.9


. WP Car Rental Calendar
. Wp Car Rental Addons


Updated on Oct 30th, 2019

General improvements

. Small CSS adjustments
. Updated breadcrumbs generation function
. Small Blog and archive pages adjustments

Bug fixes

. Bug fix on new sortable contact widget
. WPML flags where not showing on mobile menu

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Escaping error while having blocked dates since version 3.9


. WP Car rental addons plugin
. Demo content, small changes to fit new version


Updated on Oct 23rd, 2019

General Improvements

. Improved social information theme options
. Added optional Telegram, Facebook messenger, Skype and Viber chat link
. Added option to show intuitive contact widget with the following features:
– Show on left side, on right side, or nowhere
– Set top position for desktop and for mobile independently.
– Choose/sort the contacts to show.
– Set custom style
– Add custom content
. Social information for widgets is now sortable.
. Added Yelp social network
. Added options to activate/deactivate Font Awesome 4/5 compatibility
. Added option show/hide footer on single page edition
. Added buttons border style options
. Added option to show “go to top” button on left side, on right side or nowhere.
. Widgets implementation has been moved to wp car rental addons to follow the standards.

Improvements for Car rental system

. Don’t show car images navigation if only 1 image.
. Added ability to navigate over single car and location images using scroll or navigation arrows.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. WP Bakery animation for car rental system shortcodes was not working, and backend icon was not showing up.
. Show more features on items list and search results where generating an unexpected movement on action button

Updated plugins

. Wp Car rental Add-ons plugin


Updated on Ago 2nd, 2019

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Fixed bug on native date picker for devices while using minified files, still in experimental phase.


Updated on Jul 30th, 2019

General Improvements

. Added header mode option to select between under and overlapping at single page options.
. Added custom header and menu style for overlapping header.
. Added background slider options at WPBakery row settings.
. Home page form options has been deprecated, and it will be removed on future versions. Use new options at theme options and single page instead.
. Posts at blog will now show a max of 25 words if there is no excerpt.
. Added optional masonry grid option for blog posts.

Improvements for Car rental system

. Added optional masonry grid option for search results and items list.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Fixed bug on native date picker for devices, still in experimental phase.
. Calendar shortcut was not showing at “Rental management” dashboard widget.
. Other small bug fixes

Updated plugins

. Wp Bakery plugin to latest version
. Wp Car rental Add-ons plugin
. Demo content to fit new version


Updated on May 29th, 2019

General Improvements


Improvements for Car rental system

. Added option to use native date picker on mobile devices (experimental).
. Mobile style on extras step of booking process.

General Bug fixes

. Custom content on top bar was not displayed since version 3.6.1.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. UA Enhanced Ecommerce, data was not printed on search results if items are classified.
. Last period on items price list was not displayed properly.

Updated plugins

. CRS 5.0 improvements
. WP Car Rental Addons
. WPBakery to latest version


Updated on April 19th, 2019

General Improvements

. Added new element to wpbakery to be able to add the contact form 7 width date/time picker at any page or post on the site, with css animation.
. Updated demo content.
. Re added option to add text inside the home form.

Updated plugins

. WP Car Rental Add-ons


Updated on April 18th, 2019

General Improvements

. Improved custom elements for wpbakery and added new options as css animation.
. Sub menus of mobile menu are now collapsible.
. Top bar company information is now sortable.
. Added new option to set social networks colors for top bar and widgets independently.
. General CSS improvements
. Theme core adjustments

Improvements for Car rental system

. On booking process, if maximum amount available of an extra is 1, it will be displayed as a checkbox instead of quantity selector.

General Bug fixes

. Fancy title and counters wpbakery elements where not translatable with WPML since last version.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Deposit text was not visible on price table
. Booking code on thank you page was appearing at page bottom on copy button execution.
. On step 1 of booking process, locations pop-up was not being triggered if location was not selected and required, since version 3.5


. WP Car Rental Add-ons
. CRS 5.0 improvements (old users don´t need to update)


Updated on March 4th, 2019

General Improvements

. General HTML & CSS
. Stylesheet generator
. Js generator
. General performance
. Added actions for top bar login form. Normally used by captcha plugins.
. Added options to set all strings for blog
. Added option to set blog columns quantity on smaller screen size
. Added advanced options
a. Use minified files on/off
b. Async typography on/off
. Added options to set footer and widgets text line height

Improvements for Car rental system

. General HTML & CSS
. In-line form responsiveness
. Prevent word “Date” to disappear on return date after pickup date selection.
. Item features are now hidden on mobile mode and grid view, to have item price in viewport. User can expand features to see them on click.
. Added optional setting to show terms and conditions at step 4 of booking process as pop-up.
. Added click to copy to booking code at thank you page.
. Improved cart functionality, used on multi item rental.

Improvements for Wp Car Rental Calendar

. Added manufacturer filter and made filters combinable.
. Open booking info will now auto close others before opening.

General Bug fixes

. Top bar language selector was not clickable on dropdown mode.
. Typography italic style was not working
. Homepage form slider images where not showing properly in some IOS devices.
. Visual composer colors where not applied to Fancy title element
. Bottom bar logo paddings where not working, and changed for margin, to not reduce image size.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Coupon code was not clickable on mobile using in-line or regular form
. Payment method where not clickable on mobile mode
. Cart icons where not showing properly (only used with “Select multiple cars” enabled)


. WP Car Rental Add-ons
. WP Car Rental Calendar
. Visual composer to latest version (5.7)


Updated on February 4th, 2019

General Improvements

. Added optional box shadow for buttons and CRS headers.
. Added option to change, “Related posts“, “Other cars” and “Other locations” text.
. Added new style options for footer widgets.
. General CSS and HTML improvements.
. Added new option to set blog columns.
. Added new options to set if show, categories, date and author independently.

Improvements for Car rental system

. Improved customer fields style and responsiveness of booking process.
. Added new style option for booking summary of booking process.
. Improved items list and search results filters to be combinable and a new option to set the “no results” text.
. Added new options to visual composer to set body type or single item for cars list and cars price table shortcodes.
. Moved most of the inline javascript from booking process steps to a enqueued minified file.
. General CSS and HTML improvements.

General Bug fixes

. Bug on real data counters.
. Visual composer buttons colors, where not being applied correctly while using theme style.

Bug fixes for Car rental system

. Coupon code and filters were not showing in single cars and locations using inline form
. Options for extras and items where not showing at step 3 of booking process
. Responsiveness bug on Car Rental System large form
. Return pickup date was not showing correctly using inline form in certain screen sizes


. WP Car Rental Add-ons plugin
. Demo content


Updated on December 11th, 2018


. Improved primary and mobile menu.
. Option to remove timepicker (if active) on mobile devices to use its native selector interface.

Bug fixes

. Fixed bug on items description page while having less than 3 images, images where too small.
. Fixed a responsiveness bug while having several social networks on footer.


. Visual Composer to latest version (WordPress 5.0 ready).


Updated on November 26th, 2018


. Added optinal pagination to blog
. Added option to center the main menu
. Added daily and total price on booking process
. Added option to add content on right side of form homepage form options
. Added option to set custom by text and link
. Added option to enqueue custom css file from theme options
. Removed color from quantity selector to use site regular buttons colors.
. Added whatsapp link to company information

Bug fixes

. Home form titles color where not working
. Fixed background color issue with floating header using homepage form template
. Fixed issue on cart for CRS multi rental
. Availability layout for CRS issue
. Mobile menu conflict with top bar when visible on mobile mode
. Fixed issue on calendar view when showing booking info, if bookings where on bottom where not totally visible.
. CSS fixes


. WP Car Rental Add-ons plugin
. WP Car Rental Calendar plugin


Updated on October 26th, 2018

Bug fixes

. Small css bug fixes.
. Fixed Bug on single car booking process since version 3.4.3.


. Added an option to set the entity between bottom bar links.
. Added the possibility to set top bar follow us text as strings used for car rental system.
. Added the possibility to switch car rental system search results and items list between list or grid. For admin the possibility to set default mode.
. Added optional timepicker for car rental system booking form.
. Improved autofocus to not auto deploy car rental system form location or date inputs filled previously.
. Fixed Car rental system bug related to Enhanced Ecommerce.


Updated on October 21th, 2018


. Improved responsiveness on step 3 of booking process.
. Improved cart feature, used for multiple items bookings.
. Added ability to add background image to the header or footer.
. Added new widget to show recent posts with thumbnail.
. Added new blog style options

Bug fixes

. Small css bug fixes
. WP Car Rental add-ons plugin: fixed bug with real data based counters. It was not possible to select the source.


. Visual composer: latest version
. WP Car Rental Add-ons plugin
. Demo content to fit new version


Updated on October 4th, 2018

Bug fixes

. Small css bug fixes
. WP Car Rental addons plugin: car rental system action page selection for visual composer element


. Visual composer: latest version
. WP Car Rental Add-ons plugin: bug fix.

Version 3.4.1

Updated on August 1st, 2018

Bug fixes

. Small css adjustments
. WP Car Rental Calendar plugin: bug fix

Version 3.4

Updated on July 30th, 2018

Bug fixes

. Color wizard: car rental form background was not properly set.
. Color wizard: text colors were not properly set.
. Go to top button: fixed position on mobile when reaching the bottom, to not interfere with bottom bar content.
. Booking steps data: fixed small css issue.
. Content Padding: removed notice while setting padding to 0.
. Car Rental Addons: bug fix.


. Footer: Improved to be able to add more than 1 widget per column.
. Menu: Add box shadow to submenu and mobile menu, and optional padding to mobile menu.
. Bottom bar: improved responsiveness.
. Theme color: Added primary color to head to be used on mobile url container


. Visual composer: latest version
. WP Car Rental Calendar plugin: added small improvements.
. WP Car Rental Add-ons plugin: added small improvements.
. Demo Content: to fit new version

Version 3.3

Released on June 24th, 2018